Update: Head Full of Latin and Wallet Full of Nothin'


I've started class at WSC. Anatomy and Physiology - Part I in 6 weeks. Yay. My mind is just a container for obscure words and chemical reactions at the moment. So don't expect me to store anything else in it. 

As far as the future plans go... things are fluid. (Aren't they always) I'm going to try and cram in two classes in the next summer session and apply to two seperate programs: the accelerated BSN at Mass. School of Pharmacology and Health Sciences, and the Asso. of Nursing at Anna Maria. Both are pricey, but both will get me RN status in under two years. That is more important in the long run. 

Health & Wellness

I've had to cut back on the gym with my schedule. I'm down to 4-5 days a week. I feel like a slacker. Ah well. My diet is the same. Been cutting the juicing though in the morning - too time consuming and too expensive. Replaced it with plain soy yogurt, fresh fruit and some granola. Still tasty.  I feel like staying in shape is an uphill battle with no plateau. I thought that I could be a little less mindful of what I ate when I worked out so much, but my metabolism disagrees. *sigh*


Still employed. Thats a good thing.

I had to cut down to 3 -3.5 days a week. Which as you might guess has made a heavy dent in my finances. Try to cut costs everywhere  can. Even so I splurged this weekend and bought both an iron and B12 supplement and a skirt (at the thrift store, like always). I'm outta control.

Modeling has been put to the back burner for a while. If I get paying gigs then yay, but otherwise, I cannot afford the time spent doing it. Hopefully, I'll be getting paid gigs. It would be nice right about now.

Personal Practice

I've been reading Pema Chodron's "Start Where You Are." Appropriate really. But when aren't all of her books applicable to daily life? Meditated a few times, here and there. Trying to do more so, it helps with studying.

Social Life

Went to a few parties recently - 1920's party for a friend's b-day and then a going away party for a friend moving away for school. Good times were had by all. If you're curious the photos are usually on Facebook somewhere.

VegWorcester is doing really well. Pamphlets should be arriving any day now. We are having out first general meeting this week. And we put up several awareness stands (like the Metro kind) at key points around Worcester. (City Hall, Irish Times, Tortilla Sam's and Da Lat). Go check them out, they are outstanding!

Bits & Bobs

The computer.... is slowly being integrated into my daily life. Still struggling with transferring files. Damn permissions. Slowly but surely. I also need to get a 'new' copy of Photoshop.

Garden is coming along nicely. The beans and cukes are already over 2" tall and the tomato plants have little yellow flowers. 

Still haven't done my website but I might be working with someone to make that happen. It'd be cool, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. 

Shout Out

So... I'm in need of a printer for school.. nothing fancy, preferably Epson. If anyone has one they don't need and want to help a girl out that'd be nice of you.

Also, does anyone know where I could get a used medical cube freezer?