Update: Just Breathing

I have a day to come up for air before diving into school full force on Monday.


Just finished my final for health assessment… and I got an A. This makes me quite happy. What doesn’t make me happy is the fact that Provider I starts Monday and within the first week have two tests on 6 chapters. I’m going to try and get out to a friend’s party tomorrow, but that will depend on how much reading I can get done between now and then.

Health & Wellness

I’ve been working out when I can. Usually at least 3 days a week. Trying to change my composition to include more lean muscle mass. A work in progress for sure.

I have been attending PT for my back and its seems to be doing alright. My latest therapist is wonderful and gives me really challenging exercises.

Employment & Finance

Just put in my application for a nursing assistant job yesterday. Looks promising.

I have yet to respond to call for the disaster action team (DAR), but I was able to attend some of the large-scale drill last weekend. I also spoke with the leader of the health team about getting involved. We had a meeting and she showed me the ropes. Good stuff.

I’ll be attending my orientation for hospice care at the end of the month. I’m looking forward to the opportunity.

I am now officially the outreach chair for Ma student nurses association. Try to come up with some ideas for volunteer work in the future. Also, I was put in charge of poking around the website.

Personal Practice

Although, I have not had the ability to sit every week with the group, I feel as though it’s a good fit. I’ve decided to take the precepts within the year. It is a lot of responsibility but I feel as though I am finally ready to make a serious commitment to serving others.

Social Life

Been gaming on Wednesdays for the most part. Every so often I get down to Providence. Not sure I will be able to maintain this during Provider I. I really hope I can.

Namaste all.