(Here's my attempt at keeping a weekly record of me.)
Firstly, I have noticed how quickly a days flies by here in Boston. It may something to do with how busy I have become; what with working two jobs, organizing my new place, re-discovering my social life, and focusing on arranging modeling/acting work. But I enjoy this pace of life. I wouldn't mind a day or two to just relax but that will come once I am more settled. So for the moment, I find those instances of personal breathing space when and where I can: my walk to work, a car ride, a lunch break.
In general, the Universe has been smiling on me. Or my inner Self has been smiling and its made itself manifest. I dunno. All I know is that when I need something I get it without much worry or consternation. I decorated my entire room with objects from Freecycle. And have had the delight of having desired odds and ends fall into my lap including a nice Persian rug (just needs some cleaning). I'm currently seeking a way to hang my clothes and some old doors or shutters. But I don't worry much, I'm sure they will appear when needed. I am a blessed person and I try to reflect on that everyday - I don't want to forget that things are not always (read: have not been) this easy and that is just the other side of the Wheel. But the frequency with which all this has happened lately made me pause and take note.
The idea of school is intimidating to me. I'm going to give myself time to settle in before heading down to BAC to speak with my admissions counselor. This action pretty much ensures that I will not be beginning school until next fall. But I have no issue there. I hope to take a few scattered and useful classes in the meanwhile: Calculus, Physics, AutoCAD, Graphic Design. Just to get back in the swing of things.
Social Life
I apologize for all of you I have been seemingly ignoring these last few weeks. I do plan to have a get together with all of you at some point when my mind has settled some into the American groove. In the meantime, if you want to hang out, I'm usually free Friday nights one weekend afternoon, and one weekend day. If you know of something I might want to attend. I'm thinking about going to Cyclorama next weekend and as of the moment have no company.
Starbucks is a lovely job if very overwhelming in the beginning. Learning to call drinks properly is like speaking in another language, but I imagine with time it will become easier. I enjoy making drinks when its not to hectic, but that makes sense. There is a very steep learning curve at any new job and especially this one. I have to work on reminding myself, daily, that its alright to make mistakes during the learning process and no one (except myself) expects me to be perfect in the beginning.
Working at the bar is a good job too. Again with the steep learning curve. I was previous working South of the City but the commute (and management) became too much to handle so I decided to find another job closer to home in Somerville on the North Shore. This week went really well - I made decent tips for my first few nights, met alot of really interesting folks and befriended (if casually) a few other employees. It can be a bit much with so many things to learn, but I'll get become more competent in time.
So thats life in a nutshell this week. I had a bad day in the middle which I think was due to too much work and not enough sleep. So I'll need to take better care of myself. But all in all, I'm content with the moment.